. Has the writer followed the assignment instructions for the research report assignment and provided all sections of the report, completed correctly. as requested by the instructions? If not, what has not been done correctly?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn. D1. Understanding the Research Report After reading the assigned pages from the Victoria Business School‘s “Example of a Finished Report,” (this is in the attachments), you…

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Suppose I can guarantee that no one catches me (the instructor hasn’t turned on the setting that allows them to see the number of times you click off the screen and where you go- yes this is an option on canvas) AND there will be no curve on the exam, so there’s no world where I am hurting other students by ruining a curve. Does this change your answer? Why or why not (again, justify with at least one moral theory)?

The Haidt article (Emotional dog and its rational tail) makes the argument that much of what we see as moral judgment is just a gut reaction or instinct we have, followed by some post-hoc rationalization. Take the following situation: I’m…

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Host Destination Report

  Host 103 Destinations Report The Destinations Report is a compare and contrast essay between two cities of a students’ choice per the lists below.  Students will be comparing the cuisine, tourism highlights, and current challenges faced in the destinations…

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Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

    Writes 1 concise paragraph on EACH journal article identifying how the theory (Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms) was applied and the outcome of using it – not a summary of the whole article.         The post…

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

  Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from the scientific and mathematical/analytical perspectives of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.) Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research…

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Neocolonialism in Latin America

  What was neocolonialism in Latin America, and what were its characteristic economic and political features? What role did the liberal state play in promoting Latin American national economic growth in the 19th century? Use three Latin/South American countries for…

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