This is a required assignment that counts towards programme completion. [50 points] Learning outcome addressed: 2. Segment customers using the three Ws (who, what and why). 3. Use machine learning to segment customers. To complete this activity, respond to…
Governance in the health
According to the World Health Organization (n.d.), “governance in the health sector refers to a wide range of steering and rule-making related functions carried out by governments/decisions makers as they seek to achieve national health policy objectives that are…
The dynamics of the two standards
Descirbe how the dynamics of the two standards explained by Dean brackley in Ch.10, are present in El salvadoran history and in the life and ministry of Oscar Romero as depicted in the film Romero. In the first part…
All emeralds are green more compelling
Why should we find the induction that concludes that all emeralds are green more compelling than the induction that concludes that all emeralds are grue? Are we justified in concluding that all emeralds are green? If so, why…
To what extent is entrepreneurship a driver of new job creation?
Annotated bibliography of four academic papers/books which I consider the most important academic sources for answering your essay question. The annotated bibliography has a maximum word limit of 800 words – this implies a word limit of 200 words…
OMGT1039: A well-known commercial bank in Australia is interested in estimating the number of new bank accounts opened by customers each year: Operations Management Assignment, RMIT
Case 1: Bank Account Forecast A well-known commercial bank in Australia is interested in estimating the number of new bank accounts opened by customers each year. The number of new accounts opened in this bank has increased slowly over years…
BM4404: It aims to assess learners’ ability to examine the external environments affecting new markets and assess the competitive environments: International Business Strategy Assignment, NYP
Outline It aims to assess learners’ ability to examine the external environments affecting new markets and assess the competitive environments in the new markets. Based on the brand and new market assigned for the Milestone Projects, learners will describe the…
We read throughout this course several theories that help us analyze components of intercultural communication between individuals: Malawi Agricultural and Industrial Investment Corporation Research Paper
We read throughout this course several theories that help us analyze components of intercultural communication between individuals and groups. These theories, based on research conducted by researchers since the 1970s reflect the worldview of the researchers and the context in…
The solution chosen for this case would be applying the use of the metaverse into the working process, which is a three-dimensional virtual: Innovative and Practical Applications Assignment, SMU
The solution chosen for this case would be applying the use of the metaverse into the working process, which is a three-dimensional virtual world where employees and managers can interact and communicate with each other in real time without being…
HR software that you particularly like in the HR Tech Market Map under the HRMS category and give an overview of the HR Software and provide: Human Resource Research Paper, SMU
HR software that you particularly like in the HR Tech Market Map under the HRMS category and give an overview of the HR Software and provide 3 reasons on what you like about the software and why you choose it.…