Identifies and discuss the organization’s culture (jargon, rituals, distinguishing characteristics)? (at least 2 pages)
Identifies and discuss the organization’s culture (jargon, rituals, distinguishing characteristics)?
The culture of an organization is a set of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that blends both the formal structure and informal norms of the group. The purpose of this section is to identify and discuss the organization’s culture (jargon, rituals, distinguishing characteristics), why does it have a culture (how does it impact the organization’s culture), how does this affect components (leadership).
Identifies and discuss the organization’s culture (jargon, rituals, distinguishing characteristics)?
The organization’s culture can be defined as the shared beliefs and attitudes of its members or employees. Culture is not something that you have to do, but it also isn’t something that happens by accident. It’s an intentional process that begins with key people in an organization making decisions about how they want their company to operate, who they want to be their leaders and how much time they spend working together on common goals.
To understand what makes up a company’s culture, think about what kind of person would fit into your office space (or cubicle), what kind of music would play at lunchtime and whether there are any traditions like annual parties or team outings? If these things aren’t consistent from one day-to-the next, then maybe there might be some confusion about what goes on inside your walls (and beyond).
Why does the organization have a culture, and how does it impact the organization’s culture?
Culture is a set of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that blend both the formal structure and informal norms of the group. Culture impacts how people work together and make decisions. It also influences how they communicate with each other.
It’s important to understand what your organization’s culture is before you can determine how it might impact its performance on any given project or task at hand—or even if there is a culture at all!
How does this culture affect the components of leadership?
Organizational culture is a set of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that blends both the formal structure and informal norms of the group. It’s the glue that holds an organization together. Culture influences how people behave and make decisions—and it can be changed if you’re willing to work at it!
The importance of organizational culture was recognized early on by management experts like Peter Drucker (1909-2005) who wrote in his landmark book The Practice Of Management: “Organizations are not human machines; they are living systems.” His view was that organizations need to be understood as complex organisms with their own unique personalities which influence everything from employee productivity levels through customer satisfaction scores–even down to employee turnover rates!
The culture of an organization is a set of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that blends both the formal structure and informal norms of the group.
Culture is a set of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors that blends both the formal structure and informal norms of the group. It’s important to note that culture is an emergent property of groups rather than something you can design or create. As such, there are no hard-and-fast rules for creating a strong culture (even if some organizations think theirs is). However, there are some key features that many organizations tend to share:
A common language (e.g., acronyms or jargon)
Rituals and rituals associated with specific events or activities (e.g., holiday parties)
The culture of an organization is a set of shared beliefs, values and behaviors that blends both the formal structure and informal norms of the group. The culture can help you to understand why certain things happen in your company and how it impacts your employees.