A 32-year-old nurse presents to your office with a complaint of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness

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I need a 275-word for case study below answering all questions with 2 references with doi attached topic below:


Case study: A 32-year-old nurse presents to your office with a complaint of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately 1 year. The episodes last for several weeks and then resolve. More recently, she noticed similar symptoms in her knees and ankles. Joint pain and stiffness are making it harder for her to get out of bed in the morning and are interfering with her ability to perform her duties at work. The joint stiffness usually lasts for several hours before improving. She also reports malaise and easy fatigability for the past few months, but she denies having fever, chills, skin rashes, and weight loss.

What is the probable diagnosis?

What are other possible diagnoses?

At this stage of the case study, what diagnostic studies and basic treatments are most appropriate to order and why?

Please be specific and precise with answers. A table format or bullet points would be beneficial in presenting your information with clarity or organization.


Reference for management of the case study:



The post A 32-year-old nurse presents to your office with a complaint of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

Reference no: EM132069492

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