Analyse key theories of leadership and management. Explain the differences between leadership and management: Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care Assignment, UOW, UK

Analyse key theories of leadership and management.
Explain the differences between leadership and management.
Describe how theoretical models of leadership and management are applied to your own practice.
Explain potential conflicts that may occur when applying theoretical models of leadership and management.
Propose strategies to address potential conflicts that may occur when applying theoretical models of leadership and management.
Analyze the range of different leadership styles.
Explain how coaching and mentoring can be used to complement leadership style.
Explain the role of leadership and management skills in adult care services.
Evaluate the impact of internal and external drivers on leadership and management in adult care services.
Explain how to adapt your own leadership and management styles for:
  different situations
•  different teams
Describe the interaction between your own leadership styles and behaviors and the values and culture of an adult social care organization.
Analyze the importance of leadership styles for professional development in adult care.
Discuss how to establish a culture of continual learning and development in your own setting and the importance of learning from experience.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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