Discuss a range of Evaluation Theories and develop an Evaluation Process which you would implement on completion of training: Adult Education and Training Essay, MU, Ireland

Discuss a range of Evaluation Theories and develop an Evaluation Process which you would implement on completion of training within your own organization. Include supporting evaluation documents as appropriate.
Pedagogy can be described as a traditional approach to learning designed to educate children. Review in detail the main differences between pedagogy and andragogy considering a number of theoretical approaches in your answer. Be clear as to the main implications of adult learning theory for the design and delivery of training programs.
Your Organisation has an opportunity to introduce a new Computer System to enhance performance and you are requested to carry out a Training Needs Analysis at the Organisational, Departmental, and Individual Levels to ascertain the Training Gap. Please refer to theoretical concepts to develop your essay. Care should take to include the following:

a. Assess a range of approaches and techniques to conduct a training needs analysis
b. Outline the benefits of training needs analysis at an organization and individual level
c. Outline the stages in conducting a training need analysis

Reference no: EM132069492

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