Essentially, the learning journal is a record of the learner’s self-reported and self-reflective experiences in which he/she describes specific learning: Learning Journal Essay, MU, Ireland

Essentially, the learning journal is a record of the learner’s self-reported and self-reflective experiences in which he/she describes specific learning experiences, activities, responses, and skills acquired. The journal itself is private but forms the basis of the essay. The learning journal should contain a number of entries showing the development of your learning over a period. It is a good idea to complete an entry in the journal after each workshop to capture your thoughts, feelings, and reactions.

What do you think about issues raised on the course
Any flashes of inspiration you have had
What you understand so far
What do you find puzzling, difficult, or contradictory
How you can reach a better understanding of the above
What do you need to know more about, and how can you go about finding out more?
What resources have helped you to understand and/or be interesting to use?
How do you feel about the way you have approached the issue/topic so far?
What new knowledge, skills, or understanding have you gained during the process of
writing your learning journal?

Reference no: EM132069492

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