What company do you believe has a great understanding of its target market?

Discussion 1

· What company do you believe has a great understanding of its target market? List two things they do well and two things they could do better.

· Describe the primary target market for your business idea and explain your reason for your choice.

· Describe the secondary target market for your business idea and explain your reason for your choice.


I believe that the company that has a great understanding of its target market is Netflix. Netflix has a wide variety of movies and TV shows to watch, which appeals to everyone’s taste. The second thing they do well is their customer service. They have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau because of how fast they respond to customers’ emails and calls. The last thing they could improve on is their marketing strategy; however, this isn’t something you can control so it doesn’t matter as much as it would for other…..

Reference no: EM132069492

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