


Multicultural Literature in Diverse Classrooms

Your Name

ECE 335: Children’s Literature

Instructor’s Name


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Annotated Bibliography

You will be creating an annotated bibliography of four quality multicultural children’s books. These are books that you might include in your classroom library. You will be looking for two books that would be appropriate for students age 3-5 and two books that are appropriate for students age 6-8.  


Kates, B.J. (1992). We’re different, we’re the same. New York, NY: Random House.

The colorful book, full of favorite Sesame Street characters, compares several things that we have different from other people, such as noses, hair, mouths and eyes, but then explains that we are all the same because we all have noses, hair, mouths, and eyes in common. This book is brightly illustrated by Joe Mathieu and will get the children’s attention and keep it. This book is a good choice for a multicultural library of children’s books because it is written on a level that is developmentally appropriate for younger children. The vocabulary is simple and easy to understand. The use of Sesame Street characters makes children interested and comfortable by associating with the well-known friendly creatures and human personalities. This book can be used as a starting point for many lessons about how things are the same and different.

Book 1 (Ages 3-5)

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher.

Provide a brief (100-150 word) summary (in your own words) that includes why you chose this book and how the book will promote cultural diversity in the classroom.  

Book 2 (Ages 3-5)

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher.

Provide a brief (100-150 word) summary (in your own words) that includes why you chose this book and how the book will promote cultural diversity in the classroom.  

Book 3 (Ages 6-8)

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher.

Provide a brief (100-150 word) summary (in your own words) that includes why you chose this book and how the book will promote cultural diversity in the classroom.  

Book 4 (Ages 6-8)

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher.

Provide a brief (100-150 word) summary (in your own words) that includes why you chose this book and how the book will promote cultural diversity in the classroom.  

Multicultural Literature in the Classroom

In this section, compose a brief introduction to this section that will allow your reader to follow the organization of your paper and the focus of your discussion. You might provide a brief overview of the topic in your introduction.

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Discuss the inclusion of multicultural literature in a culturally diverse classroom by addressing the following prompts:

Explain the benefits of using multicultural literature in the classroom. Use an outside source to support your ideas. (1-2 paragraphs)

Describe possible drawbacks of using multicultural literature in the classroom. Use an outside source to support your ideas. (1-2 paragraphs)

Summarize the importance of using multicultural literature in a culturally diverse classroom. Use an outside source to support your ideas. (1-2 paragraphs)

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Hint: Use evidence from your readings to support your ideas in the above and below sections.

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Briefly summarize the ideas that you discussed in your paper, explaining the significance of these ideas.

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Template for an APA Academic Journal reference entry:

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume #(Issue #),

page range. doi: or Retrieved from http:// (journal’s homepage)

Template for an APA Webpage (with a Person as Author) reference entry:

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year Published). Webpage title. Website Title. Retrieved from

http:// (website’s homepage)

Template for an APA Webpage (with Corporate/Government Author) reference entry:

Title of Organization. (Year Published). Webpage title. Retrieved from http://

Template for an APA eTextbook reference entry:

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year Published). Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition, if other

than the first). [Type or version of eBook]. doi: or Retrieved from http://

Include 1 outside source in addition to your course text. Use APA format to cite and reference your sources on your References page. Remember, you MUST include in-text citations throughout your paper to show your reader what information you used from these outside sources.

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*In the final version of your assignment, be sure that you have removed all the hints (green boxes) within the template.

Reference no: EM132069492

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