Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review the National Gang Center’s About the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model Links to an external site.webpage. Select one of the program evaluations available on the National Gang Center web page for review. You may also want to review the recommended resources, Chapter 3 in your text which covers theories of delinquency, as well as the help guides for PowerPoint and Screencast-O-Matic. Then develop a short presentation the case. Your presentation should:
Identify the program evaluation you selected.
Describe the program’s approach, goals, and intended outcomes.
Explain how outcomes were measured.
Which of the theories identified in Chapter 3 does the program align with?
Explain whether the program has been deemed effective.
If the program was deemed effective, what were the key elements that contributed?
If the program was not deemed effective, what key elements were missing?
Evaluate the evidence on effectiveness and outcome measurement provided.
Is it evidence- or anecdotally-based?
The post National Gang Center’s About the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.