1) Who is ISIS (the Islamic State)?
2) Describe the origins of ISIS? How does it relate to the Iraq War?
3) How did ISIS use social media to recruit?
4) What separated ISIS from AQ?
5) Describe the background of Al-Zarqawi, how did he come to lead the Islamic State?
6) What is AQ’s view of the IS?
7) What impact did the Syrian Civil War have on IS?
8) Who is the Alt-Right? What is the role of Richard Spencer?
9) How did the Alt-Right have a reemergence?
10) How has the Alt-Right benefited from the 2016 presidential election?
11) How have social media benefited the Alt-Right? Which platforms played a significant role?
12) Explain the Oklahoma City Bombing and who was responsible for it?
12) What is the Turner Diaries and how did it play a role in white supremacy in the US?
14) Who is Boko Haram? Are they a terror group or an insurgency?
15) How did Boko Haram get a foothold in Nigeria?
16) Is Boko Haram a terrorist organization or an insurgency? Explain your answer?
17) How did Scott Atran describe radicalization? How can extremist groups benefit from discussions in a cafeteria?
18) What are Sacred Values? How do these apply to the growth or success of extremist movements?
19) What role does group dynamics in extremist organizations play in individual identity?
20) What role does personal networks play in the disengagement from extremist organizations
The post Terrorism first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.