Anti-Blackness &Technology: Safiya Umoja Noble, Ruha Benjamin, Andre’ Brock, and Charlton McIlwain



The above link is to a video that you can watch as an alternative to the reading. Ruha Benjamin is author of Race After Technology and speaks at 5:30, Charlton MacIlwain is author of Black Software and discusses WEB Dubois: technology and the color line beginning at 15:55, Andre Brock is author of Distributed Blackness and talks about Black death and Black joy and resistance beginning at 28:44, and Safiyah Noble is author of Algorithms of Oppression and discusses artificial intelligence and Black studies beginning at 36:00.

Questions for you to reflect on:

If you opted to watch the videos, what did you think of the ideas of Jim Code, “tech and the color line,” “Black joy and resistance,” and algorithms of oppression?

The post Anti-Blackness &Technology: Safiya Umoja Noble, Ruha Benjamin, Andre’ Brock, and Charlton McIlwain first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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