Do you think presentations should be required in school? Why or why not?

Do you think presentations should be required in school? Why or why not?

Do you think presentations should be required in school? Why or why not?


The answer to this question is, of course, that all students should be required to learn how to present their ideas in a persuasive manner. There are many reasons why it’s important for young people to learn how to present themselves and their ideas effectively:

Be proactive.

You have to be proactive to get your message across. You have to make sure that other people hear what you have to say and if they don’t, then it’s up to you as the presenter or speaker to fix that problem.

You can also try using more than one medium of communication in order for people who may not go online or watch videos on YouTube (which would be awesome!) but instead want something visual such as posters or even handouts so they can take note while they’re still at school/work/home!

Have a clear purpose for your presentation.

The first step to making a great presentation is to have a clear purpose for your presentation. Why are you presenting? What do you hope to achieve by making this presentation? Who should be listening to what you have to say, and how will this benefit them?

When creating an effective PowerPoint slide deck, think about the audience who will see it. Do they need information about something specific or just general knowledge of how things work in general? If so, then make sure that each slide has its own section headings (e.g., “Introduction” vs “Concepts” vs “Examples”) so that it’s easier for someone unfamiliar with your topic area understand what exactly they’re looking at on each page before reading further down into details if necessary (note: don’t use bullet points).

Focus on being entertaining and interesting.

In the same way that you should focus on being entertaining and interesting in your writing, you should also focus on these things when presenting.

Entertainment is a key part of presentations. People remember what they find entertaining more than what they find boring or tedious. If you can make your presentation interesting enough, it will be easier for people to pay attention and learn from it.
Interesting topics are more likely to be remembered than dull ones (and if nothing else, this should make up for any awkwardness associated with presenting).
Interesting presentations are more likely to be shared online by others who might not otherwise have seen them (e-mailed around) — which means that if an audience member enjoys watching/reading something interesting enough before coming into class, then they might also share those same ideas afterwards!

Use visuals.

Visuals are an important part of any presentation. They can help you make your point clearer, they can help you remember the information better and they can help you convey the message in a more entertaining way.

Here are some tips on how to use visuals effectively:

Use charts, graphs or pictures to illustrate the data that you want to present. If there’s a lot of information about something, use an infographic instead of bullet points because it’ll take less time for people to read through them (and therefore get more value from what they’re reading).
If possible use video clips as well as still images/photos in your presentation because videos are easier for people who are visually impaired or deafness-affected due to their ability not only see but also hear everything happening around them which makes them feel more involved in whatever happens on screen too!

Be prepared for the questions of the audience.

You should be prepared to answer questions and have answers ready. This is because people will want to know more about your topic, so they may ask you questions.

You can also prepare in advance by reading up on the topic or finding out what people are saying about it online.

Presentations can be fun, effective and informative, but you have to make sure to prepare them well if you want your audience to understand them properly

Be prepared. Before you present, make sure that you have a clear purpose for the presentation and that your audience understands what they’re going to hear. If it’s an academic assignment, don’t just write down all of your ideas–think about how they’ll help students learn something new and useful.
Be interesting and entertaining. You want everyone in your audience to enjoy themselves while they listen to what you have to say; if they are bored or confused by what is going on, then chances are good that they won’t remember anything from what was said later on down the line at all (or else maybe even worse). To keep people engaged throughout the whole thing without making them feel like there’s nothing interesting happening at all (which would be pretty sad), try using visuals such as charts or graphs along with verbal explanations rather than just reading off some text off paper! This will keep things lively between questions being asked by other people who happen upon this lecture hall either accidentally through curiosity or because someone invited them here specifically so watch me lecture/talk about stuff today!).


The biggest takeaway from all of this is that presentations can be a powerful way to communicate with your audience and teach them new information. If you’re planning on giving one, make sure you know what you want to say and how best to do it!

Reference no: EM132069492

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