During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located? 10A NCAC 09 .1801

During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located? 10A NCAC 09 .1801

During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located? 10A NCAC 09 .1801


Children aged 2 and older require more supervision during naptime than younger children, so it is important that there are staff on hand at all times. Children with special needs (such as autism spectrum disorder) may require additional supervision during naptime due to their extreme need for attention.

Attendant(s) must be located within visual range at all times when a child is awake and free to move.

During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located?

10A NCAC 09 .1801 Attendant(s) must be located within visual range at all times when a child is awake and free to move.

If a caregiver is not in immediate contact or sight of the child, then it can be assumed that they are not attending to their care needs or responsibilities.

During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located? 10A NCAC 09 .1801

During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located?

10A NCAC 09 .1801

Staff must be within visual range at all times when a child is awake and free to move. This requirement applies to both daycare centers and family homes. Staff should be located within visual range at all times when a child is asleep or awake and free to move (i.e., not confined).

General requirements of care giver that pertain to both day and night time staff presence and supervision of children.

The following requirements apply to all care givers who are supervising children during naptime:

The staff member must be within visual range at all times when the child is awake and free to move.
The care giver must be able to hear a child if they call out or have any other need for attention.
Staff members must have direct vision of children in rooms or areas without direct visual access

Staff are required to follow IMED’s No Child Left Alone policy.

Staff must be within visual range at all times. Staff must be able to hear children at all times. Staff must be able to respond to children’s needs within 1 minute, if necessary by following the “No Child Left Alone” policy.

Staff must have a means of communication with the child care center in case of emergency (e.g., fire alarm).

Care givers are required to have their own means of communication, which includes both cell phone and CB radio equipped vehicles (if available).

CB radio is not the only means of communication.
Cell phone is a good alternative to CB radio, especially if the area is remote or there are no other options available.

Children aged 2 and older require more supervision during naptime than younger children, so it is important that there are staff on hand at all times.

It is important that there are staff on hand at all times during naptime for children aged 2 and older, so that they can be found quickly if they wander off.

Children aged 2 and older require more supervision during naptime than younger children. This is because they are most likely to go missing during this time period due to their increased mobility and curiosity about the world around them. It is also easier for them to become distracted from their activities by something new or exciting (such as a toy or book), which could lead them into danger if not supervised closely enough by parents or caregivers.


The IMED policy is clear that children under the age of 2 need more supervision than younger children. This can be done by having care givers follow a set routine, which includes being in open sight and hearing range at all times. Care givers are also required to have their own means of communication so that they can quickly get word about any emergency situations involving their little ones. If you have questions about whether your home qualifies as an unsafe environment for a child under 2 years old, please contact us today!

Reference no: EM132069492

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