
This topic concerns the influence of political interest groups on politicians and publicpolicy. Interest groups must compete with each other to influence public policy. Select apublic policy, cause, or issue that you are interested in learning more about. Find aninterest group in Texas that is also concerned about your selected topic. Once you haveresearched both your topic and your selected interest group, answer the questionsbelow.

The Questions:

1. What is your selected topic and why are you interested in this subject?2. What interest group is working in this area and why did you select this

particular group?3. How has your group worked to influence public policy? Have they lobbied

politicians? Tried to influence the public? How much money have they spent?4. What interest groups may oppose your selected interest group and how

effective have they been?5. In your opinion, will your group be effective in getting their agenda codified

into public policy?

NOTE: In answering your question, use the optional materials below and your ownresearch as necessary to back up your opinion.

Texas Ethics Commission Registered Lobbyists

(Links to an external site.)

Lobbying in Texas: A Guide to the Texas Law

(Links to an external site.)

Open Secrets- Search Candidates

Your answer needs to be no less than 300 words. You must answer all questionscompletely.

Reference no: EM132069492

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