Name 10 forms of prohibited actions of discipline in a child care center.  10A NCAC 09 .1803

Name 10 forms of prohibited actions of discipline in a child care center.  10A NCAC 09 .1803

Name 10 forms of prohibited actions of discipline in a child care center.  10A NCAC 09 .1803


As a child care provider, you are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of children in your center. This includes making sure that all staff members are trained on appropriate disciplinary techniques for children and following all state laws regarding discipline. The list below details some common forms of prohibited actions that may be used by child care centers:

1. No physical force, physical contact, or actions that may cause pain or discomfort.

No physical force, physical contact, or actions that may cause pain or discomfort.
You must not use a child’s name in an abusive manner and you must not threaten to use a child’s name in an abusive manner.
You must not punish a child for refusing to perform an assigned task without first having discussed the reason for the punishment with him/her and gotten his/her agreement to it (see 10B NCAC 09 .1905).

2. No humiliation, embarrassment, intimidation or punishment in any form.

No humiliation, embarrassment, intimidation or punishment in any form.
Examples of humiliating behavior include:
making a child feel guilty for doing something wrong
forcing a child to do something that makes them uncomfortable or ashamed (e.g., stealing money from parents)
telling other adults about private conversations between children and their families (e.g., saying “that kid is so stupid”)

3. No deprivation of food or water as punishment or as a method of discipline.

No deprivation of food or water as punishment or as a method of discipline.

Food and water are to be provided at all times, unless a medical condition requires that the child be fed in a particular manner. A parent may not impose a diet on his/her child without first discussing it with the Director and obtaining written approval from the Director.

4. No corporal punishment.

It is prohibited to use corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force against a child as a means of discipline. It can include spanking, hitting, or otherwise assaulting any part of the body with an object such as a ruler or belt buckle.

Corporal punishment not only violates state law but also has been found to have negative effects on children’s health and behavior in later life.

5. No seclusion of children in any part of the building other than their own rooms except as provided under 10A NCAC 09 .1801(b)(1).

It is also prohibited to use seclusion as punishment. Seclusion is defined as locking a child in a closet or room, even if it’s just for short periods of time for safety reasons.

The only time children can be locked in closets or rooms during staff meetings, parent conferences and other events such as court dates are when those activities are taking place immediately outside the building where there are no other children present (i.e., on the playground).

If you need help with this rule, please contact your local health department so they can advise you on how to implement it safely and effectively at your facility

6. No denial of visitation rights to parents and relatives during regular business hours by the director or anyone else providing care for a child in the center where the child is enrolled.

No denial of visitation rights to parents and relatives during regular business hours by the director or anyone else providing care for a child in the center where the child is enrolled.

Visits must be allowed during regular business hours, unless there is a health or safety issue that requires it not be done so. The center can deny visits if they have reason to believe your child has been suspended from school because of behavior problems, but they cannot deny you from visiting when he/she is sick with the flu (or whatever).


So there you have it, the 10 forms of prohibited actions of discipline in a child care center. These are some pretty broad guidelines, so if you have any questions about them or need clarification on anything please feel free to contact me or your local child care provider. We hope we’ve given you enough information to make sure your child is safe and happy while being cared for at home!

Reference no: EM132069492

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