Name 4 ways staff can positively interact with children. 10A NCAC 09 .1802
Name 4 ways staff can positively interact with children. 10A NCAC 09 .1802
Positive interactions with children are important for building relationships, learning skills and providing support for their development.
Be consistent.
Consistency is a key to positive teaching and learning. Children need to know what to expect, as well as what is expected of them. For example, if you tell a child that they must bring their lunch in every day, it’s important that the same expectation applies at all times—whether it’s during playtime (or recess), nap time or after school when they return home from school.
As a staff member at your child care facility, consistency will help keep everyone on task with their responsibilities so that there won’t be any confusion or confusion about who needs what from whom!
Be fair.
Be fair.
It is important to treat all children equally, regardless of their gender, race or ability. This means that you should not treat them differently because they are young (or old), have disabilities, behave in ways that you find annoying or inappropriate for your child-friendly space (e.g., loud), look different from each other and from themselves at the same age.
Be prepared.
Be prepared.
Be prepared to deal with situations, emergencies and changes in routine and the weather.
Prepare yourself to handle any situation that may arise during your supervision of children who have special needs or disabilities.
Talk to the child.
Ask the child about their day.
Ask the child about their interests and hobbies.
If a child tells you about a favorite toy, ask questions about it, like where did they get it, what does it do? Or what color is it?
Do not take this as an opportunity to interrogate your student or ask them why they like this toy so much in an accusatory tone of voice that makes them feel like they can’t trust you as a friend who cares about them enough to listen without judging or telling them how wrong something must be if there’s no reason given for liking said thing!
Make eye contact.
Make eye contact.
Look at the child when you’re speaking to them and make sure they see your eyes. This shows that you are interested in what they have to say, and makes it clear that they are respected as an important person in your life.
Know your strengths and weaknesses as a caregiver.
Know your strengths and weaknesses as a caregiver.
It’s important for caregivers to understand their own strengths, weaknesses, skills and knowledge in order to better serve the child. If you know what you’re good at (for example: “I love taking care of children”), then it helps when dealing with children because they will be more comfortable around someone who has similar interests or hobbies. Similarly, if you need improvement in some areas (such as patience), this can also help keep things positive between yourself and your employer/boss/supervisor!
Positive interactions with children are important for building relationships, learning skills and providing support for their development
Positive interactions with children are important for building relationships, learning skills and providing support for their development. Research shows that positive interactions help children to develop social skills, emotional skills, cognitive skills and physical abilities.
In addition to these areas of development, positive interactions can also help build spiritual strength in children by encouraging them to engage with God’s Word or prayer at home or school (see NCAC 09-1802).
We hope that this article has been helpful in giving you a better idea of how to interact with children. Remember, positive interactions are important for building relationships and learning skills. You can also help them build their self-esteem by showing them that they are capable of doing things on their own!