
PSCI 600

Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment Instructions


In our first three modules, we focused our attention on foundational ideas, concepts, and methodologies associated with the study of comparative politics. In this module, we will begin to engage specific substantive topics. Your assignment this module, the Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment, focuses on political economy.  Sometimes it is incorrectly assumed that politics and economics are separate from one another.  In reality, politics and economics have a symbiotic relationship, both in domestic politics and international politics. Your Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment is a 5 – 7-page research paper addressing one important dimension of political economy, the emergence of welfare states. 


For this assignment you are required to write a short research paper focusing on the political economy of welfare states. Specifically, your Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment should: 1) identify and explain the factors that contribute to the emergence of welfare states within different systems; and 2) in light of the Martin textbook readings, evaluate the role that worldviews such as a Judeo-Christian worldview and Marxism may play in the emergence of welfare states. (Feel free to share disagreements you may have with Martin’s approach.)

· The text of this Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment must be 5–7 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).

· Your Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment must be in current APA formatting.

· Your Research Paper: Political Economy Assignment must contain a minimum of 3 scholarly sources not including the course textbook, assigned readings, and the Bible. You must include citations sufficient to fully support your assertions and conclusions.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Reference no: EM132069492

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