2. What is the role of MTSA 2002 required Area Maritime Security Committee or AMSC? Why is this organization critical to the secure operation of a port? Be specific. Are there areas within the security regime that committee members can work more closely?
What is the role of MTSA 2002 required Area Maritime Security Committee or AMSC? Why is this organization critical to the secure operation of a port? Be specific. Are there areas within the security regime that committee members can work more closely?
The MTSA 2002 required Area Maritime Security Committee or AMSC is an organization that has been created under the MTSA 2002 regulation. The purpose of this body is to ensure proper coordination among all government agencies and private sector stakeholders involved in the secure operation of a port facility. It also aims at ensuring that these entities work together towards achieving common goals within their respective jurisdictions.
What is the role of MTSA 2002 required Area Maritime Security Committee or AMSC? Why is this organization critical to the secure operation of a port? Be specific. Are there areas within the security regime that committee members can work more closely?
MTSA 2002 is a set of international standards that guides port operators in their efforts to secure their facilities. The AMSC is an important part of this regime and plays a critical role in protecting ports from security threats.
The AMSC provides advice on matters such as:
How to prevent terrorism and other criminal activity at ports
How to respond when security incidents occur at ports
The AMSC is made up of representatives from all relevant stakeholders, including governments, international organizations (such as the International Maritime Organization), industry associations/trade groups (such as the International Chamber of Shipping) etc..
The AMSC is the key to the security of a port. It is responsible for making sure that all laws and regulations are followed by the port, including those relating to maritime security.