2) Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance.

2) Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance.


Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance.


You hear this all the time: “Work-life balance is important.” And you know what? It is. But do you know what’s even more important? The best work-life balance possible. One that allows you to be the best person possible, on your own terms, with the freedom to choose how much work you’re willing to do in each area of life. This is where I come in—I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve (and they don’t involve a lot of jumping through hoops).

Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance.

Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance.
Give an example of how you have used the best practice in your life

Don’t work more than 40 hours per week.

If you’re looking to improve your work-life balance, a good place to start is by limiting the amount of time that you spend working.

Working more than 40 hours per week can affect your health and family life. According to research conducted by [company], “working long hours increases stress levels and lowers productivity.” This means that if you’re constantly feeling stressed out or under pressure at work, it might be time for a change—and maybe even an early retirement!

Keep a schedule.

Keep a schedule. This is one of the best practices in my life with respect to work/life balance. I know that sounds obvious, but it can be easy to lose track of time when you’re working on something that’s very important to you and your team.
Plan ahead for breaks, vacations and other opportunities for relaxation or fun. It’s important not only to have these scheduled at regular intervals throughout the week but also so that they don’t get lost in your day-to-day tasks!
Make sure there is enough time left over in your schedule so that you aren’t constantly rushing from one thing after another without having any downtime between them (or even thinking about what needs doing next). This will help make sure everything gets done properly instead of just getting done fast because there isn’t enough time left over after work hours already spent dealing with other things outside work hours like family dinners/meeting friends etc…

Always ask, “How can I help these people?”

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to always be willing to help. When someone asks for your help, don’t hesitate—just listen and make suggestions. It may seem like a small thing, but it means so much when someone reaches out for your assistance.

Don’t worry about being a burden or asking for too much help from others; in fact, it’s better that way! If there’s anything we’ve learned from our own experiences with work/life balance (and we have), it’s that sometimes asking for help can be one of the best things you can do as an employee or leader at work.

Don’t be afraid to say no, especially if it will affect you or your family negatively.

As a manager, you are expected to take care of your employees and help them reach their full potential. You need to do this by setting clear expectations for how you want them to work and what they should expect from you in return. However, sometimes it’s also important for everyone involved that we maintain our balance between work and life—and there are times when saying no can be just as important as saying yes!

If an employee asks if they can take off some time off during the week (for example), don’t feel guilty about declining their request if it means that you won’t meet deadlines or complete projects on time without sacrificing quality control. In fact, being able to say no without feeling bad about yourself is one of the most valuable skills a manager can develop: knowing when not everything needs doing at once allows us more freedom when planning out our schedules so we can continue working toward long-term goals while still enjoying short bursts of fun time away from routine responsibilities like childcare or household chores (elements which would otherwise require additional hours).

A good work-life balance is important not only for personal productivity but also for success at work.

A good work-life balance is important not only for personal productivity but also for success at work. It’s about having a healthy mix of work and personal time, so that you can accomplish more in both areas. This makes it easier to balance the demands of your career with the needs of your family and personal life.

A good work-life balance means being able to spend time with friends or family members without feeling guilty about it because you have obligations elsewhere as well; it means being able to set aside blocks of time during which no one expects anything from you (like when watching TV); it means being able to take breaks from whatever task(s) might be taking up all your attention at that moment—and not feeling guilty about doing so because those tasks will still get done eventually!


I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading about some of my best practices for work-life balance, and I hope that they give you some ideas to try out in your own life! Remember, the most important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it—after all, this can be a long journey, so don’t stress yourself out too much about the details. You’ll soon find out which strategies work best for your lifestyle and personality type.

Reference no: EM132069492

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