Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.

400-600 words APA 7 format, in-text citation, Use scholarly references to substantiate your work. Write in the present tense. Please provide a copy of all references used. Plagiarism Free Work.

**Scenario is attached document

Assignment Details:

The VP of HR reviewed the executive summary and decided that your recommendation was a strong course of action for the change process. In her discussions with Leroy, she mentioned that it would be good to have you participate in a focus group to discuss your experiences with the change process. She was interested in discovering some best practices for change and felt that your experiences would be very valuable to Red Carpets approach to change. To guide the discussion, she recommended addressing a few points that should be covered in the focus group. Leroy will gather the results of the focus group and share it with the VP of HR.

Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course; discuss the following questions that will provide insight into your own change experiences:

Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.
Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.
From your own experiences, what do you think Red Carpet should do to make the change successful?

Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well. Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.


Have the students write at least one paragraph about changes they have made or were involved in, and their reasons for those changes. The change may be part of a larger project that they are working on, or it might be something that just happened in the classroom—for example, someone leaves a pencil behind or forgets to clean up after themselves.

Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.

Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.

Describe the change in detail. What was it? How did you know that this was a good idea, or not so good? How did people react when they heard about it? Was there resistance at first, or did everyone understand quickly what was happening and embraced the change wholeheartedly after some time had passed (this is especially important if there were negative consequences).
Explain why this worked well for both parties involved, including yourself as well as others who were affected by your actions; be sure to include any benefits they received from this process (such as increased productivity) as well as any costs involved with implementing such changes (such as training costs).

Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.

Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.

This is a case of the change failing to meet expectations. The reason for this failure is that the change was implemented too early, before sufficient time had been taken to test it out. A more effective way of implementing this would have been as follows:

Develop a timeline for when each stage should be completed (e.g., develop new product features over three months).
Prioritize which changes need immediate attention based on their impact on customers and revenue generation (e.g., increase sales by 25%).
Set up meetings between key stakeholders where they can discuss how things are going so far with an eye toward making additional changes in future plans if necessary

Have the students write at least one paragraph about changes they have made or were involved in, and their reasons for those changes.

Have the students write at least one paragraph about changes they have made or were involved in, and their reasons for those changes.

They should describe how the change was implemented, what it did and didn’t achieve, and how it might be improved in the future. For example:

You were given a new job title at work but felt like you were being demoted because your boss didn’t like your performance reviews. So you quit your job before receiving any negative feedback from management–and then never looked back! The next day on Facebook someone posted an offensive comment about “The District Manager” (you) being fired because he/she wasn’t getting along with his/her coworkers. That person also got fired immediately after posting this message because he/she violated company policy which prohibits employees from sharing personal opinions online without prior approval from management first.* You decided not to go through with changing schools after graduation this year because everyone else around me had already moved away from home by then so there would be no point of starting fresh somewhere new if everyone else is still around me instead.* Your brother lost custody due to abusive behavior towards him by his mother during childhood which leads up until now when she currently refuses any efforts made by herself or others trying bring justice into action against her behavior towards younger siblings throughout time since childhood days gone past.”


When you write this blog post, think about what changes you have been involved with in your own life. These could be positive or negative ones, but they will all share one thing in common: they were not always successful! Remember that even though an intervention may not have worked out as expected, there is usually another way around it that would work better than just giving up hope altogether.

Reference no: EM132069492

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