400-600 words APA 7 format, in-text citation, Use scholarly references to substantiate your work. Write in the present tense. Please provide a copy of all references used. Plagiarism Free Work.
**Scenario is attached document
Assignment Details:
Leroy thinks it is important to use a set of steps from an established change model to guide the change process. He has recommended the OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, and Kotter’s 8-Step model as potential alternatives. But the VP of HR wants to know all of the details and is also concerned about the potential resistance to change at Red Carpet, so Leroy thinks it’s important to discuss this as well. Red Carpet is seeking long-term success with this change, so Leroy would like you to include a forward-thinking statement regarding the future of Red Carpet after the change. In no time, you and Leroy will be riding the elevator to the 27th floor with a beautiful view of Philadelphia, and he is confident that your collaborative effort will be well-received.
Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course, and with your classmates, discuss the following questions about Red Carpets change management plan:
In your opinion, which one of the following change models will be best for Red Carpet’s change process: OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, or Kotter’s 8-Step model?
In your opinion, which one of the following change models will be best for Red Carpet’s change process: OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, or Kotter’s 8-Step model?
As you may have heard, Red Carpet is undergoing some changes. We’re looking for your input on what type of change model would be best for the company, and we’d love to hear from you!
OD Action Research model
The OD Action Research model is a non-profit organization that uses the technique of action research to help organizations make change. The idea behind this model is that it’s important for every change initiative to have a goal, but it can be difficult for people in an organization to see what those goals are. The OD Action Research model allows you to identify your specific outcome or desired behavior and then develop strategies for achieving that outcome within your own organization.
This approach has many advantages over other change models, including its flexibility (it doesn’t require you or your employees/customers/etc., to follow strict rules), its ability to address cultural issues (such as how people feel about certain changes) and its focus on strengths rather than weaknesses
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry is a change model that helps organizations to identify and build on their strengths. The Appreciive Inquiry approach uses four perspectives:
Acknowledgement – recognizing the contributions of others around you
Openness (or transparency) – sharing information with your peers, customers, and stakeholders
Respect – treating everyone with dignity, fairness and courtesy
Education – learning from each other
Kotter’s 8-Step model
Kotter’s 8-Step model is a change model that focuses on the process of change. It is an approach to leadership development, organizational development and change management that describes how to implement these changes in your organization.
The eight steps are:
Diagnosis – identify what needs to be changed in an organization; 2) Planning – develop strategies for implementing change; 3) Implementing – put plans into action by making sure they’re working well; 4) Evaluating – evaluate results against expectations; 5) Improving – make improvements based on feedback from experiments or learning experiences 6 7 8 9
In my opinion, I think the OD Action Research model is best for Red Carpet’s change process. It has some good qualities like being easy to implement and it can be used for multiple types of change efforts. However, I think that Appreciative Inquiry would also be a good fit because it’s very easy to use and has some great features. Finally, Kotter’s 8-Step model would work well if you want to start with a small group or just get started quickly with simple ideas that won’t take too much time or effort on your part; but if there are other people involved in this process as well then it might not be ideal because they won’t understand what they’re doing when they aren’t paying attention!