Topic For Critical Thinking and Writing

After you have read the first chapter, return to page fifteen in the assigned text, and answer the three questions there under the heading: “Topic For Critical Thinking and Writing.” Your answer to each question should be at least one substantive paragraph in length. Please number your answers to correspond with the questions.
1. A paper begins with its title, not with its first paragraph. A good title makes readers curious and may let them know where the essay will take them. Does this title have that effect on you? Why, or why not? What other title would you suggest?
2. Are you convinced from this essay that it would be unfair to deny Cavanaugh and other Pastafarian inmates their demands? Why, or why not?
3. How would you define a “real” religion? Can it be any belief deeply and sincerely felt, or does it require something more? Explain your answer.




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Reference no: EM132069492

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