2. What is an automatic negative thought that you catch yourself saying to yourself in times of stress?
What is an automatic negative thought that you catch yourself saying to yourself in times of stress?
Negative automatic thoughts are a normal part of life. They can be helpful in some situations, but they’re also dangerous if you don’t know how to stop them. If you catch yourself saying these words or phrases in times of stress, then it’s best to recognize what is going on in your head and practice new ways of thinking about things.
“I don’t have time to go to the gym.”
It can be difficult to find time to exercise. You might have a busy schedule and feel like you don’t have the energy or motivation to make it happen. Or maybe your gym membership is too expensive, or it’s not convenient for where you live (like if there isn’t one nearby). In any case, finding ways to fit in exercise into your daily routine can be challenging!
But don’t worry! There are plenty of ways for everyone–even those who live with chronic illness–to stay fit without going somewhere else at all. You just need to look around and find something that works best for your situation. For example:
If money is tight then consider joining a local running club instead of paying monthly fees at the gym;
If transportation isn’t an issue then try walking or biking around town instead;
Even if none of these things suit your needs perfectly (which is totally okay), then remember that getting active doesn’t necessarily mean spending money on fancy equipment either – just get started somewhere safe like home so no one gets hurt while doing so
“I’m not good enough.”
Your automatic negative thought is telling you that you are not good enough. You might be thinking about how much better someone else is, or how bad it would feel if they were to do well in your place. Maybe they have more experience or power than you do, so they must be better than YOU!
You are good enough for YOURSELF!
You are good enough for YOUR friends and family (and even strangers). You can do anything if you put your mind to it!
The universe wants us all to succeed as individuals–so why not try?
“I’ll never lose weight.”
When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you will never succeed. This is a common thought among those who are trying to lose weight and it can be quite discouraging.
However, remember that you can actually do this! There are many people who have lost tons of weight and kept it off for years or even decades. So why not give yourself some time? You may find that once your mind gets over its initial thoughts about how difficult this might be, things start going better for you!
“Why can’t I make myself do that?”
The first thing you need to know is that you can make yourself do anything that you want. This may not sound like a huge revelation, but it’s actually pretty revolutionary! Everyone has heard of the phrase “putting your mind to it,” but most don’t realize how much power they truly have over their own actions and choices in life. You can control your own destiny and make decisions based on what feels right for YOU instead of feeling guilty or ashamed because someone else doesn’t agree with them (or even worse–does). If we try hard enough, anything is possible!
“If only…”
If you find yourself saying “if only” when something bad happens, it’s a sign that your mind is trying to get you to make the best of a bad situation. A better way of thinking is: “I can’t change the past, but I can change my attitude.”
There are many reasons why we might use this phrase–for example, if we were disappointed with our performance at work or in our relationships. But what makes this particular negative thought so problematic is its tendency to cause us anxiety and stress over things that we never could have controlled or manipulated anyway.
These are negative automatic thoughts and you can catch yourself saying these things.
“I’m not good enough”
“I will never be able to do this”
“I don’t have time for this”
These are negative automatic thoughts and you can catch yourself saying these things. These thoughts can also lead to feeling depressed and anxious. It’s important for you to know that these are just thoughts and they don’t mean anything about your worth or ability as a person! You can change them into positive ones by saying something like: “I am capable of doing this task,” or “This is what I want to do.” You could even try using a thought diary to help remind yourself of how great and capable you really are!
I hope this article has given you some insight into what negative automatic thoughts are, how they affect our lives, and how to recognize them when they pop up. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to live in the past or let these thoughts control your present day life – there’s always a way out if we look hard enough!