What is the effect of the frame tale on the story? Is it different than Ovid? How so?  



What is the effect of the frame tale on the story? Is it different than Ovid? How so?


What is the effect of the frame tale on the story? Is it different than Ovid? How so?


The frame tale is an element of the oral storytelling tradition that has been used throughout history, from Homer to Shakespeare. It’s a narrative device that occurs in many different forms and serves as a way for storytellers to introduce themselves or their stories within another longer tale. While it can be used within one work of literature, it’s also common for authors to use this structure when writing about other literary works as well.”

The frame tale can be defined as a tale that is told within the context of another longer tale.

A frame tale can be defined as a tale that is told within the context of another longer tale. In other words, the main story is the story within the frame and it’s what surrounds it.

The frame can be a short story or even a single sentence. For example: “Once upon a time there were two brothers…” can be used as a frame for another longer tale about two brothers who fight each other over their father’s inheritance and end up killing each other with knives!

Ovid’s Metamorphoses begins with a framing story about the birth of Apollo and Aphrodite, who are born together after Zeus kisses her. The framing story tells how Zeus separated them, saying that Apollo would go on to rule the sun and Aphrodite would rule love (or beauty).

The Metamorphoses is an epic poem by Ovid that tells the story of mankind’s transformation into animals, plants and natural forces. The framing story is about the birth of Apollo and Aphrodite in Zeus’ arms:

“When they were born together, my mother told me how I had been conceived from Zeus kissing her one night when she was asleep.”

William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” takes place on a midsummer’s night and uses a framing story in Act IV Scene V. In this scene Flute is speaking directly to Bottom, who is sitting near him on stage; she introduces herself as one who wishes to become Bottom’s wife. She then tells him that she knows his dream, which was not actually his dream but that of Pyramus, who was also sitting near her while they spoke. Therein lies the framing story within the main plot of the play. This is an example of how stories can be framed within other stories or events, one such being an instance in the Bible where Joseph found himself sold into slavery by his brothers (Genesis 37:3-7).

A frame story is a story that is told within the context of another longer tale. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, for example, we are introduced to Apollo and Aphrodite as they are born from one egg (Metamorphoses 1:1-8). This framing story tells us how Zeus separated them into two different parts when he saw them mating in his garden (Metamorphoses 1:9-10).

In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Flute introduces herself as one who wishes to become Bottom’s wife; she then tells him that she knows his dream, which was not actually his dream but that of Pyramus who was also sitting near her while they spoke. Therein lies the framing story within this main plot about dreams coming true during midsummer night celebrations at Titania’s Court


It is important to note that in the context of these two examples, the framing story is told by someone other than the main character. This type of framing might be more common in children’s literature because it allows children to better understand what they are reading without having to strain too hard over complicated concepts. However, there are certainly times when this type of storytelling can become problematic; one such example would be when an author uses a framing story within their novel as a way to show off their own skills as an artist at building up suspense while making sure not too much information gets revealed too quickly or easily before moving forward with their main plotline (which could then ruin some readers’ enjoyment).


Reference no: EM132069492

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