Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of how to identify, interpret and describe the main requirements of Health & Safety: Building Assessment and Fire Safety Assignment, SETU, Ireland

Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of how to identify, interpret and describe the main requirements of Health & Safety and environmental legislation pertaining to building assessment and fire safety control.
Lead and initiate the planning, preparation, development, and delivery of effective communication and training programs on construction defects and their impact on the indoor environment and fire safety management strategies.
Demonstrate the ability to think critically, independently, and creatively in the implementation of suitable actions to manage a building’s fabric/components by considering their role in fire safety.
Demonstrate the ability to plan the preparation and completion of interpretive reports on and reviews of a building’s fabric/components and fire safety systems and advise on and provide for the suitable management practices and policy amendments to manage building assessments and fire safety.

Reference no: EM132069492

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