Prompt: Submit a draft of the first three elements of the Assessment Plan section (Section III) of your final project. Keep in mind the importance of unbiased
data collection while considering your assessment plan. Be sure to address all of the critical elements as outlined below.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Assessment Plan: In thissection,youwill developaplanto gathervalidandreliable datainyourperformance assessment,andoutlinespecific
assessment strategies and sources of information.
A. Determine the organizational assessment strategy that would be most appropriate to use in your assessment of the selected subdivision of the
organization. Justify your selection. For example, you might select an organization assessment plan or model, such as the systems model, to
assess compliance and effectiveness of the subdivision with the mission.
B. Justify how your previously selected organizational assessment strategy will ensure you collect valid and reliable data in your performance
assessment.Forexample, the systemsmodel will allowyouto examine the specificinputssuchasresources,policies,andproceduresthat
determine how far the organization is achieving its mission.
C. Outline the sources of data and information you will use to assess the organization’s performance, justifying your selection of sources. For
example, youmight use crime report statisticsto identifyareasof highcrime rates,or youmight interview specificindividualsto assessthe
effectiveness of policies and procedures within the organization.
The post Elements of the Assessment Plan first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.