Time tracking program (web based application)








Systems integration is intended to combine subsystems to support business processes. In the previous module, you identified the integration project you will create during the course. It is important to understand the target business process and how to appropriately document the process and the design for the solution. In this case assignment you will perform some research on business process identification and tools for documentation of business processes and use this information to help formulate the design of the system that will support the business process.

Assignment Expectations: Part 1
The Design Document should include the following:

A title page with class number and name, project name, your name, and the date.
Documentation of the business process supported by the integration project. The documentation should include a thorough description of the process and a visual representation of the process.
Documentation of the system architecture required to support the system.
Identification of all subsystems that will be integrated in the project. The subsystems should be clearly marked as either existing or new. Each subsystem should be described, and if new, the internal design of the subsystem should be documented. Note: some part of your system must include the use of a database and the design of this subsystem must include an Entity Relationship diagram.



The post Time tracking program (web based application) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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