Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes Hate Crimes Introduction A hate crime is a violent act against a person or property motivated by the offender’s bias toward a particular group of people. Hate crimes can be motivated by race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity or…

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Crimes against the elderly

Crimes against the elderly Crimes against the elderly Introduction The elderly are a target for financial crimes. Here’s what you need to know about protecting yourself from these crimes. Elder abuse Elderly people are vulnerable to abuse. They may have…

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft   Identity Theft Introduction Identity theft is the act of stealing personally identifying information, typically including a person’s name, social security number and possibly other information. Identity theft can happen when someone steals personal data such as your…

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Juvenile Crime

Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crime Introduction Juvenile crime is a serious problem that requires attention from the police, legislators and parents. The causes of juvenile crime include poverty, poor parenting, drug use and abuse among other things. This article will discuss…

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