Internet fraud schemes

            Discuss some of the internet fraud schemes Discuss the difference between “insider corporate spies” and “outsider corporate spies.” How does each group engage in corporate espionage? Identify and describe at least three methods that…

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Social insurance programs

              The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you think the social insurance…

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Develop Focus Learner Profile

Develop Focus Learner Profile You will need to develop a focus learner profile (student profile) in your “class.” You will need to post the focus learner profile in Discussion board. Download and review Sample Models of Portrait of a Focus Learner…

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Assignment 2: Case Study Capitalism

Assignment 2: Case Study Capitalism Assignment #2: CASE STUDY – Capitalism Assignment #2 is based on the capitalism case study in the textbook, Corporate Social Responsibility (Chandler, 2020), pages 95-106. You may work individually or in groups to complete this…

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IoT Architecture Diagram Errors

IoT Architecture Diagram Errors Overview For the purposes of this activity, you are currently working as an IoT systems engineer and are tasked with reviewing the given IoT Architecture Diagram to determine any errors that may arise in the implementation or usage…

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