You’re working with a client whose marketing strategy consists only of runningTV advertisements. This client sees a surge of leads when running TVadvertisements but doesn’t have the budget to run TV ads year round.Explain to him how a three-part media strategy might help his marketingefforts.

. You’re working with a client whose marketing strategy consists only of runningTV advertisements. This client sees a surge of leads when running TVadvertisements but doesn’t have the budget to run TV ads year round.Explain to him how a three-part…

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Demonstrate a critical awareness of the concepts, theories, and debates surrounding digital marketing strategy: Digital Marketing Analytics & Strategy Report, NTU

Demonstrate a critical awareness of the concepts, theories, and debates surrounding digital marketing strategy. Critically analyze and interpret web analytics to support an organization’s digital marketing strategy. Design and conduct a digital analytics project. Problem-solving and critical analysis: analyzing facts…

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