American Corrections

  How does mandatory release effect the corrections system? Why are some parole officers reluctant to ask that a client’s parole be revoked for technical violations? What organizational pressures may be involved? The post American Corrections first appeared on COMPLIANT…

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Global warming

  Global warming, it’s causes and effects, and how it relates to extreme weather Paper must be written using scientific method 1. Research question: Does global warming play a significant role in climate change? 2. Background research 3. Hypothesis 4.…

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Coping with Failure

  If you wanted to prepare someone to cope adaptively with failure, what could you do?     The post Coping with Failure first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The Story of an Hour

  Writing about how imagery and characterization take place in the story. For characterization we are analyzing on how Louis Mallard the main character is acting strange after hearing the news of the passing of her husband. For Imagery we…

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Concept of the time value of money (TVM)

  Choose a publicly traded company that issues bonds. You can locate this information by reviewing your chosen company’s annual report online. A good place to start is the Annual Reports website ( In your case study, discuss the following…

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The prohibition era

The prohibition era   The prohibition era Introduction America had been a country of booze since the beginning of time. When America became a nation, it was governed by states that were allowed to make their own decisions regarding alcoholic…

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The controlled Substance Act of 1970

The controlled Substance Act of 1970 The controlled Substance Act of 1970 Introduction The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 is a federal statute that classifies drugs, substances, and chemicals based on their potential for abuse, as well as for the…

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