Each student will complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case. Each student is expected to diagnosis the mental disorder using DSM 5 criteria and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The purpose of this assignment is to e

Therapeutic Intervention Project

Each student will complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case. Each student is expected to diagnosis the mental disorder using DSM 5 criteria and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to better understand that there are many approaches to trauma in social work. See the treatment plan format and grading. rubric (pages 13-14) for additional information. NO ecomaps or genograms unless in addition to the 6-8 pages and adds to the quality of the paper.
Each student will select a common specific treatment option in Trauma practice as outlined below or get approval for another topic by the professor:
Narrative Therapy
Vagus Therapy
Alternative care
The paper must address the following topics:
Page 1
Title Page
In APA style, your title page and abstract are separate pages. For your title page, your running head is slightly different. Before your title, include the words “Running head” and a colon. For the rest of this page, list your case study’s title, your first and last name and your university’s name. This information should be centered in the upper half of the page.
Pages 2 – 8
Background/Assessment Information
The first section of your paper will present your client’s background. Who is the client? Include factors such as age, gender, work, health status, family mental health history, family and social relationships, drug and alcohol history, life difficulties, cultural background, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, occupation/grade level, marital/family status, education goals and coping skills and weaknesses.
Family history- Past and present. Include marital status of parents and any dates of family structure changes or deaths. Include a description of relationships with family members, living arrangements, parents’ occupations. Include statement affirming/denying substance abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse among family members, if appropriate.
Social relationship history- Past and present. Include a statement affirming/denying any unwanted sexual experience, physical abuse, trouble with the police. How are relationships with friends, peers, coworkers, teachers? How were they before the onset?
Academic/work history- Past and present. What was/is school like? Academic aspirations? How was experience and performance before the onset?
Medical history- Past and present medical conditions, hospitalizations, prescription medicines, problems with eating, sleeping, weight control, alcohol, and substance abuse. When was the last physical?
Counseling history- For what issue(s)? Was this voluntary or involuntary? List provider names, dates of service. Include self-help groups like AA – incorporate a summary of experiences.
Description of the Presenting Problem
In the next section of your case study, you will describe the problem or symptoms that the client presented with. Describe any physical, emotional or sensory symptoms reported by the client. Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions related to the symptoms should also be noted. Any screening or diagnostic assessments that are used should also be described in detail and all scores reported. Estimated date of onset, concurrent events, intensity, frequency, changes in symptoms. How long has this been going on? How often? Magnitude?
Diagnosis (DSM-V)
Provide your diagnosis and give the appropriate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual code. Explain how you reached your diagnosis, how the clients symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), or any possible difficulties in reaching a diagnosis. Please describe the observations that support each diagnosis if there are multiple. Be sure to cite evidence from your on-line research and from your textbook. Give rationale by using the facts to justify your definitions of the problem.
Treatment Intervention Plan
This section of your paper will focus on the intervention used to help the client. Please pick a particular theoretical approach and describe the following:
Historical Developments
School or perspective (e.g., psychodynamic, behavioral, trait, etc.)
Theoretical underpinning(s) for the therapy
Major theorists
Major assumptions about human behavior and development
Key concepts
The Therapeutic Relationship
Primary target system
Goals for therapy
Characteristics of an effective therapeutic relationship
Therapeutic process
Therapeutic techniques/methods
Ethical implications for using this treatment approach.
What adjunct services could be utilized? Who else could be involved in working with the client (school nurse, teacher, special education teacher, gay and lesbian support group, etc.)
Discuss whether your findings on the therapeutic method were complementary or conflicting with the client’s needs. Describe possible prognosis.
Last Page
Following your text, you must supply a complete bibliographical list for your readers. In APA style, alphabetize the entries by the author’s last name. Most citations include four main parts: author’s name, date, title of the article and publication information. A general guideline for APA format is the author’s last name, a comma, first initial and a period. Next, place the year of publication within parentheses; place a period outside the final parenthesis. Type the title in italics and sentence case followed by a period. Finally, write the city of publication, a colon, the publisher’s name and end with a period.
Submission Requirements
You will have two submission attempts for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through SafeAssign.


Reference no: EM132069492

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