Essay Topics – Choose ONE Compare and contrast the [economic, cultural] viability ot live bands to electronic based music starting in the 80’s. Ex Analog vs. digital, computers vs. human reasoning, etc. (must still relate to central CBUM topic)

Paper will be submitted via Tumitin on Moodle 12 page minimum; no maximum

Essay Topics – Choose ONE

Compare and contrast the [economic, cultural] viability ot live bands to electronic based music starting in the 80’s. Ex Analog vs. digital, computers vs. human reasoning, etc. (must still relate to central CBUM topic)*


Compare and contrast musicality/production of the past w/ current trends in production (be specific regarding bands, band leaders/producers and song titles)

• Does predictability sale?

• Does sound quality sell?

•      Do stereotypes sell?


Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?


As for the future of rap. are performers still able to authentically rap about the ■hood, when some of the conditions that created rap have changed?

(Ex. Ice Cube. Dr. Dre and others have become multimillionaires)


1. Can hip-hop be viewed as a global-leaming-expenence?

• If so. how/why?

• If not. why not?

Essay Criteria:

Quality of Writing/Length

Topics need examples and/or thorough explanations; proofed and edited by YOU Clarity of Sub}ecMls It Understandable?)

Intent of Paper-

(Preparation: Integrity: Plagiarized or Not? Inspired thought or Uninspired?)

1. Writing must be focused on chosen topic and based on fads, not personal opinion.

2. The “cut and paste” effect will have a negative impact on the final score of the essay.

(Abstract your wiki” research into a unique statement: it’s not that difficult to do; and it reinforces the material)

3. Spelling. Run- On sentences. Grammar. Proofing

(Strive for quality of thought and write in complete sentences: run spell check and grammar check, take pride in your wriling)

Chicago Style formatting Is suggested.

Name:                                                                                                                                                                                      Total /100









24-30Content is
extremely wcll- rcscarchcd, strong evidence is used to make a compelling

21-23 Content is well-
re searched. evidence is used to make a persuasive argument.

IK-20 Content is
researched, some evidence is used to support an argument.

IS-IT Content shows
little research. Evidence is not well-integrated into argument or is
irrelevant to mam argument.

0-14 Content lacks
research and supporting evidence. Argument is not clearly articulated or is
based on subjective opinion.

Originality ’ |0

X-10 Overall argument
and use of sources show originality, creativity, and insight.

7 Overall argument and use
of sources shows originality and creativity.

6 Overall argument and
use of sources shows some originality and creativity-

5 Overall argument and
use of sources shows little originality and creativity.

0-4 Overall argument
lacks original thought and creativity.



16-20 Writing is clear
and concise. Y’ocabulary is precise and used correctly. Uses correct grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.

14-IS Writing is clear
and easy to understand. Vocabulary is less precise but used correctly.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors arc rare and don’t impede

12-13 Writing is un ders
tan da b Ic. Vocabulary is general and sometimes used correctly. Some
spelling, grammar and punctuation errors slow down the reader.

10-1 1 Writing is unclear
and is difficult to understand. Use of vocabulary usunlLy incorrect Several
spelling, grammar or punctuation errors that impede understanding.

<1-9 Writing cannot
be understood.


(minimum of two) 10

X -10 Graphics arc well-
chosen and add clarity, substance, and nuance to the paper. Graphics are
contextualized within the argument and corroborate the research. They arc
cited in the correct format.

7 Graphics arc wc 11-
choscn and add clarity and substance to the paper. Graphics corroborate the
research. They arc cited in the correct format.

6 Graphics arc well-
chosen and usually add clarity to the paper. Graphics are related to the
research. Citations are present.

5 Graphics arc present
but do not add clarity or substance to the paper. It is sometimes unclear how
they arc related to the research. Citations are present with several errors.

0-4 Graphics arc missing
OR too many unrelated graphics that add neither substance nor clarity Co the
paper. No citations.

Bibliography /10

X-10 Bibliography
entries and citations are present tor all researched material and show’
consistent formatting in a recognizable style.

7 Bibliography entries
and citations arc present tor all researched material and arc in a
recognizable style with lew inconsistencies.

6 Bibliography entries
and citations arc present for all researched material and arc in a
rccogruzablc format with some inconsistencies.

5 Bibliography entries
and citations arc present for all researched material but formatting shows
several inconsistencies.

0-4 Bibliography entries
and citations arc present only for some sources and formatting is not in any
recognizable sty le OR citations and bibliographv arc missing.



16-20 Uses correct
formatting w ith no errors.

14-15 Uses correct
formatting with few errors.

12-13 Atterupts to
follow formatting guidelines with some errors.

10-11 Attempts to follow
formatting guidelines with several errors.

0-9 Formatting
guidelines were not followed.


[*]  Is the ‘commercialization* of hip-hop a positive or negative phenomenon?

•    Is hip-hop, as an art form, separate from the industry of hip hop?

Reference no: EM132069492

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