The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is notnecessary

The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is not
necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in order to
protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects. Autism: Child and adolescent development concentration music therapy.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Abstract: For the first section of your research report, you will create an abstract that is a concise summary of your research study. Include information
on your research question, subjects, methods, results, and discussion.
II. Introduction: In this section, you will create an introduction that includes a literature review of research pertinent to the topic area you have chosen.
This section should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to interpret psychological research and develop research
questions regarding unexplored topic areas:
A. Prepare a literature review
B. Determine testable research questions with hypotheses
III. Methods and Results: For the next section of your research report, you will develop methods and results sections that inform potential readers of
how you conducted your study and what the statistical results of the study were. These sections should contain the following elements, which will
demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:
A. Explain the methods of how you conducted your study
B. Conduct statistical analyses as appropriate
IV. Discussion: For the last section of your research report, you will write your discussion section, which describes your interpretation of your results and
speaks to how future researchers can expound on your work. This piece should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability
to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:
A. Interpret your results
B. Discuss any limitations or ethical issues
Your research report should be appropriately formatted following the latest guidelines for APA formatting, using g in-text citations when necessary. You will
be expected to use at least 10 research articles in the topic area to support your review of the literature. uidelines for Submission: Your research report should be at least 15 pages in length and written in APA format. Use double spacing,
12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The paper will utilize at least 10 scholarly sources. Any references should be cited in APA format.

Reference no: EM132069492

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