Assignment Task
Assignment 1: Canada’s natural disaster mitigation strategy
The objective of this assignment is to explore Canada’s natural disaster mitigation strategies as well as an earthquake event in the Cascadia subduction zone.
To complete this written assignment, you should discuss the following:
- Review Priority 3 of the Emergency Management Strategy for Canada (Reference 1) and answer the following:
- According to Priority 3, what is the most effective emergency management activity?
- What are the foundational objectives in this strategy? (4 pts) c. What are the outcomes the government is trying to achieve?
- The Emergency Management Strategy for Canada specifies the return on investment for a mitigation strategy is approximately a $6 savings for every $1 spent. We will examine the source of this statement.
- Which organization made this conclusion (see Reference 2)?
- How was the $6 to $1 ratio calculated?
- Why is the $6 to $1 ratio applicable to Canadian events? Why has it been adopted in Canadian policy?
- Look up the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund and answer the following:
- Describe the fund.
- What projects are currently being funded?
- Regarding the Cascadia 1700 earthquake, review the article in Hakai Magazine by Ann Finkbeiner (Reference 3), and answer the questions below. Note that you are expected to use correct terminology when referring to Indigenous communities. An attachment in Brightspace, Indigenous Rights Chapter 1 (Reference 4), has been provided by Carleton’s Centre for Indigenous Initiatives as reference.
- Which First Nations communities were affected by this event? List 2 communities that are located in Canada.
- What story did the First Nations use to explain this event? What does the Thunderbird and Whale represent to the First Nations communities in this region? Hint: See the list of References for a potential reference to use.
- What are common elements in these First Nations stories that describe the Cascadia event.
- What was the long-term impact on First Nations communities from this event?
- Describe the Cascadia 1700 earthquake event using geologic terms used in the course materials