Word count 2500-3000
Topic – Light Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission
Technology or Innovation– Hybrid vehicles
Assessment description:
Based on the project concept you select from the Course project options, you will submit a report on your work integrating and applying key operational aspects of managing innovation and technology to an engineering project. Word count target: 2500 to 3000 words
Assessment detail:
Based on one of the Course projects you will prepare a detailed report for managing innovation and technology to deliver a specific and defendable operational outcome. You will:
- Briefly research and outline a specific technology or an innovation that would benefit the project and the objective behind implementing it
o Tip: pick one technology or one innovation only. This this does not need to be ‘new to the world’ or your personal new idea but rather something that is not normally used in that project area
- Outline a succinct business case and risks underpinning why the project managers should consider proceeding with your approach
o Tip: consider using the Business Canvas and Heilmeier Catechism to help with this
- Outline a detailed strategy based on sound theoretical reasoning for sourcing / developing the technology or innovation and its integration / commercialization. You will also consider its longer-term management post integration as relevant to the project.
o Tip: Consider the whole life cycle from the inspiration for the new technology or innovation through to how you will implement it and manage it longer term
- Consider implications of intellectual property and its management if applicable.
o Tip: Even if you do not view the management of intellectual property as important in your circumstance still note the reasons for why you feel so)
- Consider organisational culture and key internal and external stakeholders
o Tip: who do you need to influence to ensure your new technology or innovation can be successfully implemented)
Remember to include:
- Detailed references to support your approach
- Word count number (excluding images, tables, graphs and captions and references thereof)