Scenario C You are working with an international development NGO and are in the eld of ce as a Program Manager. You have just joined the multi-donor round table on disaster risk reduction,

Final Course Assignment Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to develop an emergency plan or a disaster-risk reduction program [One of the outcomes of Course Objective (b) which in turn re ects your having achieved Course Objective (a) in the Course Outline]. It will help you greatly to read Unit 06 carefully. To complete the assignment, follow these steps.

1. Choose one of the 3 scenarios (A, B, or C) below and apply it to your Site of Choice (the one you selected and pro led in Assignment 1. Do not shift from your Assignment 1 site without getting the approval of the instructor).

Scenario A

You are working for the emergency unit of a local government (as an employee or as a consultant); you are required to review and revise the emergency plan for the community to recognize new hazards including those associated with climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, to aging transportation infrastructure and an expanded industrial zone or population base. Discuss your topic with the professor if need be.

Scenario B

You are working with the regional government, authority or an NGO (Red Cross/ Shield) and are tasked with leading the development of a climate change adaptation plan that links the speci c context under study and the main hazard (or hazards), emphasizing the amplifying or other effects of climate change.

Scenario C

You are working with an international development NGO and are in the eld of ce as a Program Manager. You have just joined the multi-donor round table on disaster risk reduction, and have committed to integrating disaster risk reduction in your organization’s forestry and agriculture/ or other extractive industry (mining, oil, gas, etc) program in the country/ region/ community.

1. Whichever Scenario you choose, you are required to put some esh on the bones so to speak. You are not simply to say “early warning system” but also indicate the mechanism for implementation. You are not simply to say “multi-stakeholder disaster response coordinating committee” but to also list what institutions (e.g., chamber of commerce, local church, etc.) would be represented in the Coordinating Committee. You are not simply to say “risk-based land use regulations” but specify “slope density-based land use zoning” for example (if you are trying to deal with landslides).

2. Submit your Final Course Assignment as a poster in PDF format(Minimum 24 by 36 inches). Pretend that it is one you want to hang outside your of ce in the municipal government or in the of ce where you work. You can develop it in Power Point and save it in the large format for instance.
3. Please think of the reader when you make the poster. The purpose of the poster is to economize on words while communicating your message. Take the following into account while creating your poster.
a. What attracts you in a poster? What makes you stop to read a poster?

b. What discourages you from reading a poster? Would you bother to read a poster if it is cluttered? OR the font size is too small you have to squint to be able to read it.
c. What are the essential elements of your message (in this case a Disaster Risk Reduction Plan)?

d. How can you communicate all the essential elements ef ciently?

e. How would you lay it out to attract readers?

Developing a Poster Using PowerPoint

Step 1 – Open up a PowerPoint slide presentation (as you normally would)

Step 2 – Click Design on the Menu

Step 3 – Click Page Set Up (It’s to the extreme left of the window)

You will see a box pop up. The box allows you to set the dimensions of your slide. Note that the dimensions are in centimeters. So you have to convert your desired dimensions (24″ by 36″ or whichever in inches) to centimeters.

Step 4 – Set up the orientation of your slide – Portrait or Landscape

Step 5 – Once you have done these click OK

This brings back to the normal window and normal menu.

Step 6 – Now you click Insert and you can now design your poster – all kinds of shapes, charts, pictures, text, font style, size, colours, etc.

Have fun!

Grading Scheme

This assignment will be evaluated using the following criteria.

Grading Scheme

Reference no: EM132069492

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