For this particular task, you are required to write an independent/individual 2000 words essay based on your group presentation. Your Essay should provide:
a) a brief discussion on the nature of the key issues along with the analysis of cultural, organizational, and management contexts;
b) evaluate the critical global management skills that are relevant in the case. c) recommendations and future course of action for the top management
You need to support your arguments with relevant literature on this topic. Academic literature refers to academic journal papers such as those papers in
journals (e.g. Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, Journal of World Business and Management International Review –
see reading list). While it is acceptable to use the occasional textbook reference, students should use textbooks primarily as a guide for understanding the
key variables/themes relevant to the area under investigation.
My presentation was on (culture and Leadership at Twitter )
Talked about previous CEO’s such as jack dorsey/parag Agrawal and current ceo Elon Musk and how they all possess different leadership qualities for
example Elon musk is an autocratic leader
Example of an issue would be how staff are being treated since Elon musk had taken over
Essay into paragraphs should be no more than 4 to 5 sentences each
Introduction Flag up the topics which you are going to discuss/ issues you are going to address
Conclusion should provide recommendations and future courses of action for the top management and how to address the identified problem
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