A Public Service Announcement (PSA)






HSN project overview:
Imagine you work in an infant and toddler center. Your center is developing information to share with parents and community members on how to support the health, safety, and nutritional needs of infants and toddlers. You have been asked to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for distribution.

You will also provide a written assignment along with your PSA.

What is a PSA? A PSA can be a visual or auditory announcement that is meant to benefit the public on a topic. Examples might be a poster, a short video, or an short auditory announcement (like you might hear on the radio). Be sure to see the presentation in the next module which describes PSA’s in more detail.

You will create a Public Service Announcement related to the Health, Safety, or Nutritional needs of the Infant or Toddler based on current expert recommendations.


The post A Public Service Announcement (PSA) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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