Designs over the years have changed considerably. Just look at televisions in the last decade. They used to be as big as a piece of furniture, and now you can hang them on the wall like a piece of art!
For this discussion think about entertainment centers. How have they changed over time? We’ll dive into this further in our discussion this
Elaborate on the pros and cons of the design.
If you had to redesign the entertainment center that you selected for your time period, what would you change in the design?
Add a sketch of your redesign with the following views, including major dimensions (width, height, and depth):
Front view.
Right side view (must be horizontally aligned with front view on the right side).
Top view (must be vertically aligned with front view on the top).
Discuss why you think your redesign is better than the others in the market.
The post Entertainment Center Design first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.