Follow a specific argument model and development structure: Rogerian;Logically and coherently arrange a longer essay of 5-7 pages that expands beyond the traditional five-paragraph model,

The Rogerian Argument or Toulmin Logic Essay (200 points)

In writing this essay, you will learn to…
Follow a specific argument model and development structure: Rogerian;
Logically and coherently arrange a longer essay of 5-7 pages that expands beyond the traditional five-paragraph model, using appropriate transitional language to guide a reader;
Bolster your argument with five sources, at least one of which must address a counterargument.

Prompt: Write an argumentative essay on your research paper topic which I have approved. Using the principles of the Rogerian argument to structure your essay, presenting both sides and arguing for your compromise position.

The structure for Rogerian argument can be found on the bottom of p.194 in Practical Argument.

I do not expect you to research another 5 sources for this paper in addition to your current Independent Research essay source search. You are encouraged to use the sources you found for your annotated bibliography or new sources that you have discovered since then. You are also welcome to conduct your own Library Database and Catalog search to support your paper.

You must appropriately cite your sources in your paper with both parenthetical and works cited citation. Please provide a Works Cited page at the end of your essay to identify all used sources.

Due Date for Final: 4/13/2023

Length: 5-7 pages in proper MLA document format

What will I be looking for when I grade your essay?


Consistent awareness of purpose and audience. You should maintain the academic voice (third person perspective) and avoid the casual interruption of personal opinion (this does not apply to the engaging hook, however).

A substantial introduction that addresses your reading audience with an introductory hook and a statement that makes clear the purpose of the essay. Ex: In order to solve this problem, Americans need to understand each other’s position and seek to find a compromise solution


Body paragraphs that follow the structure of either Rogerian argument. Use the models provided in our text to guide you.

Supporting evidence and relevant source discussion. You must provide at least five sources in this paper and at least one source should address a counterargument (2 is better).

An appropriately formatted MLA Works Cited page complete with the correct citation models, identifying each source used in the paper.


Varied sentence structure (This means you should not write the same type of sentence over and over again. I’m looking for variety and style). Be especially careful not to use the same structure every time you use source material.

Strong, seamless transition sentences must connect necessary sentences and each body paragraph. You need to guide your reader line by line and paragraph by paragraph.

Effective quotes, paraphrases, and/or summaries that are correctly cited and punctuated.

Sentence clarity. Be sure to avoid sentence fragments, run-ons, comma splices, subject-verb agreement confusion, pronoun-antecedent agreement confusion flaws in parallel structure, dangling modifiers, mixed constructions, use of the passive voice, and overly informal language choices.

Evidence of Proofreading. There should be little to no distracting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Reference no: EM132069492

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