COR 3001: To what extent do you feel that the stories about what constitutes wealth and poverty you have encountered in your life: Wealth and Poverty Assignment, SMU

Choose one of the following three prompts and answer it based on your interpretation of the relationship between ‘wealth’ and ‘poverty’ as they are portrayed in a) a film of your choice, b) personal experience, and c) the course
material. Your argument should integrate all three sets of material into a clear, convincing, and compelling essay. Do not exceed 3,000 words. Try to write less.

To what extent do you feel that the stories about what constitutes wealth and poverty you have encountered in your life, including in this course, will lead to a more sustainable future?
To what extent do you think that wealth and poverty are words that really describe whether a person feels safe in the world in which they live?
After taking this Big Questions module, what is one thing you can say about the relationship between wealth and poverty?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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