Defining Cyber Warfare and Terrorism Essay

A2: Defining Cyber Warfare and Terrorism Essay

Value:  25 %

Length:  2000 Words


This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of cyber warfare and cyber terrorism. There may be varying definitions and opinions on what cyber warfare and cyber terrorism are, for example between the public, governments, and academics.

For this assessment, write an essay that defines what Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism are.

The essay should:

Compare and contrast by discussing the differences and similarities.Discuss how definitions may vary across different groups (e.g. the public vs government vs academics)Include examples of both cyber warfare and cyber terrorism events.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

be able to discuss and analyse trends in cyber warfare and terrorism and the increasing impact of such events on the security able to compare and contrast the different types of cyber security threats, including cyber terrorism, cyber crime, and cyber able to distinguish between private, corporate, and national cyber attack events and their able to analyse the main types of cyber attacks and the various tactics and strategies used during attacks.

Marking criteria and standards





The topic is
artfully and insightfully introduced, and well informed within the
contemporary literature on cyberwar and terrorism.

A summary of what will be discussed in the body of
the essay is well-written and clear.

The length of the summary is appropriate, being
approximately 10-15% of the overall word count.



Compare and contrast
by discussing the differences and similarities. 

Discuss how
definitions may vary across different groups (e.g. the public vs government
vs academics)

Include examples of
both cyber warfare and cyber terrorism events.

The topic is
discussed at depth and provides a clear definition of cyber warfare and cyber
terrorism including appropriate use of examples.

Arguments and statements are expertly supported
using excellent use of the available, contemporary literature, citations, and
direct quotes.

The body flows well and is easy to read.



The essay is
summarised expertly.

Evaluation of the outcome of the exploration of the
topic, its ongoing significance is included.

Insight towards additional study or research that
may be needed to enhance understanding of the topic is included.


 & Referencing

Grammar and spelling
contains no errors.

Sentence and paragraph structure is accurate and
cohesive, and the ideas flow throughout the essay

CSU/IT Masters formatting standards are closely

Overall presentation is professional and
fastidiously edited, and commensurate with a master’s level submission·

Referencing and citation are properly and
judiciously implemented, and a large amount of high-quality literature has
been researched.



Use a report format, with correct grammatical protocols and accurate spelling, punctuation and word count.

Feel free to use headings and bullet-lists where you think this is appropriate.

APA referencing should be used unless students have made prior arrangements with the subject mentor.


Word count for this assignment is taken seriously. The word count reflects the level of detail you are required to put into your assignment. Students who exceed the word count by more than 10% will be penalised, and students who exceed wordcounts by an excessive amount may not have their assignment marked beyond a certain point to ensure fairness to other students who have completed the assignment within the guidelines given.

Reference no: EM132069492

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