Drawing on your ePORTFOLIO & contemporary literature, critically reflect on your own professional development as a leader and your contributions to the professional

Drawing on your ePORTFOLIO & contemporary literature, critically reflect on your own professional development as a leader and your contributions to the professional development of others as a supervisor of practice. Outline & critically appraise your plans for future development as a leader of health and care teams.Drawing on your ePORTFOLIO & contemporary literature, critically reflect on your own professional development as a leader and your contributions to the professional development of others as a supervisor of practice. Outline & critically appraise your plans for future development as a leader of health and care teams.

Introduce your assignment, sign post the reader to the content, outlining what the assignment is going to include, refer to your ePortfolio (150 words)
Critically reflect on your own development as a leader and manager in modern healthcare settings (include your own ability to manage workloads and responsibilities) with reference to theoretical models & contemporary evidence base.
Use your ePORTFOLIO to illustrate this development. (Please include extracts from your ePortfolio in the Appendices & refer to appendices in your discussion use 5 reflections from your e portfolio)
Critically evaluate your strengths/weakness. (1100 words)

Critically reflect upon your own development & impact as a supervisor of practice with reference to theoretical concepts and current literature. Consider your own contribution to the evaluation of the performance of others (include your ability to provide constructive feedback & promote reflection in others).
Use your ePORTFOLIO to illustrate this development. (Please include extracts from your ePortfolio in the Appendices & refer to appendices in your discussion)
Critically evaluate your strengths/weakness. (1100 words)
Critically appraise your own plans for future development as a leader of health & care teams and supervisor of practice utilising the SWOT/BEEF models from your ePORTFOLIO to support your discussion. (Please include SWOT/BEEF in the Appendices & refer to appendices in your discussion)
(500 words)
Provide a succinct conclusion, summarising the key points made.
(150 words)
Ensure you include a reference list that adheres to the University guidelines
Please include extracts from your ePortfolio to support your discussion. Ensure all confidential data is removed or redacted.

Reference no: EM132069492

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