Locate a scholarly article that discusses current trends, challenges, or issues in secondary education. The following are some examples: The concept of cultural competence for educatorsThe contro

Locate a scholarly article that discusses current trends, challenges, or issues in secondary education. The following are some examples:

The concept of cultural competence for educators
The controversy surrounding values and character education instruction
The different viewpoints surrounding online learning, blended learning, or flipped classrooms
The different viewpoints surrounding charter schools
The development, adoption, and implementation of the Common Core State Standards
The goals and criticisms of No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
The goals and criticisms of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The multiple intelligences theory
The implications of standardized testing

Write a 500-word review of the article in which you summarize, evaluate, and present analytical comments on the main ideas or findings.

Address the following questions in your review:

What is the main goal of the article?
Is the article timely?
Is the article’s viewpoint convincing? Is the evidence valid?
How does the information from the article influence change in the field of education?
How are the trends and issues discussed in the article similar or different from trends and issues that occurred in secondary instruction in the past?
How does the article relate to today’s classrooms or future classrooms?
How does the article relate to this course and your classroom practice?

Reference no: EM132069492

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