Decide what type of substance or polysubstance (more than on substance) that would like to write a paper on? Sedatives – Alcohol etcs Hallucinogens, Opioids, or stimulants. More a mixture of upper and downer types one stimulant and one opioids etc

Final Paper Outline
This assignment is about creating an outline to get you thinking about the final paper. This paper is about doing a case study of a substance use disorder client or issue and apply the knowledge that you learning in this class in a case situation. You do not need to cite any source or references at this point but you play plan on doing so in the final paper.

For the purpose of this outline you will just fill out. Take on a case study approach and choose a case to highlight the various intersectional issues of psychological trauma and substance use disorder (SUD)

Fill out the following template as a part of the outline of the paper

Trauma and Addiction Idea Clarification Template for the Final Paper

Decide what type of substance or polysubstance (more than on substance) that would like to write a paper on? Sedatives – Alcohol etcs
Hallucinogens, Opioids, or stimulants. More a mixture of upper and downer types one stimulant and one opioids etc.

Choose a case or narrative or a story that you would develop on It can be
A real person, preferably not a family member but someone you can interview
A character in a book or a movie or a TV series
A public figure whose experiences with addiction and trauma have been well documented in news

Introduction narrative In a couple of paragraphs describe the case or the story, just the context of it. This paper is about substance use disorder and trauma, how they are related, how they together affect one’s life and what we need to know.
Addiction What kind of substance or substances is the main character of this case involved in?
Trauma What kind of traumatic stress is also at play here?
Social Determinants of Addictions What are the other challenges (unemployment, poverty, grief, lack of support, transportation issues etc.) that also adds to the challenges to this person, you can use bullet points to answer these challenges
Demographic Risk Factors Now identify the demographic characteristics
Of this case undergoing SUD
Age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, household size, parental status

Reference no: EM132069492

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