How is Danny an example of an actor who shows the influence of his socialization. What are his socialization influences? Give evidence of both his internalizing his influences and his reacting against them. 2.Describe the dynamic of the looking

1.How is Danny an example of an actor who shows the influence of his socialization. What are his socialization influences? Give evidence of both his internalizing his influences and his reacting against them. 2.Describe the dynamic of the looking glass self in the portrayal of Danny’s character in this movie. 3.Using Gergen’s understanding of romantic, modern, and postmodern (multiphrenic) selfhood, analyze the characters of Danny, Curtis and Lina, and the executive from whom Danny attempts to solicit funds. Give evidence for your analysis. 4.Using the “Act Like a Man Box” and Stretsky and Pogrebin’s analysis of gang behavior, analyze the influence of cultural ideas of masculinity on Danny’s character. 5.Apply Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective to the characters of Danny, Lina and Curtis, etc. Concepts to be used include impression management, front stage and back stage, props, costume, scenery, embarrassment, repair of credibility, etc. 6.Apply Hochschild’s ideas about emotion management to the character of Danny and Carla, his girlfriend, and possibly any others that you notice. 7.Lifton’s idea of doubling that he used to understand Nazi doctors in concentration camps to the character of Danny. 8. Create your own question using sociological concepts from the course and answer it. You must have your question okayed in advance by the instructor.

Reference no: EM132069492

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