What were the most powerful moments or scenes from the both books? What empathic feelings did they evoke? How does reading a graphic novel compare to reading a traditional novel? Did the visuals impact the way you unde

Reflective Analysis Books

(We are not free by Traci Chee & They called us enemy by Geroge Takei)

Reflection paper should be 3-5 pages in length. All papers are expected to be double-spaced, with 1” margins, and in 12-point Times New Roman font.


George Takei chose to present his memoir in a graphic novel format.

Was the Historical/ Memoir/ Nonfiction text you read also told in graphic novel format? If so, how did the images impact your experience as a reader?

If your Historical/Memoir/Nonfiction book was not a graphic novel, how did reading the text-only format compare to you reading the text and viewing the images in Takei’s memoir?

What were the most powerful moments or scenes from the both books? What empathic feelings did they evoke?

How does reading a graphic novel compare to reading a traditional novel? Did the visuals impact the way you understood what connected to the text?

First book is They Called Us The Enemy by George Takei

Second book is We Are Not Free by Traci Chee

Reference no: EM132069492

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