CET – 1000 Network Design for Skills Exam Help

CET – 1000 Network Design for Skills Exam Help


This work is submitted individually (not group work).Note: Topologies that are deemed too similar will receive a grade of 0.Must be completed in PT 8.2.You must start with the TopologyDesignTemplate2023.pktMilestone due dates – This is what I wantFinalized Topology – Sunday April 9th, 2023, 11:59 PM. Uploaded as image and PKT file for marking. The PKT file will be your skills exam network.Must include all addressing as well as basic connectivity. All directly connected devices must be able to communicate. Do not configure any routing protocols or other settings.I must approve all topologies. If you fail to submit, you will not only lose lab marks, but you will not have a topology to complete your skills exam with and you will have to design it as part of your exam time.

Topology Objective –

To design a network topology that meets the specified requirements and addresses the IP addressing requirements.Instructions:Design a network topology that includes at least three sites interconnected by ISP router(s). Each site should include an edge router, switches, and at least two routed VLANs.Assign non-overlapping IPv4 private addressing to all LAN networks using /24 subnets. Ensure that hosts are assigned addresses from their respected VLANs.Assign Public IPv4 addressing to all WAN networks. Ensure that all point-to-point links use /30 subnets.Ensure that each VLAN has at least two hosts.Name all devices using a theme of your choice. Do not use R1, R2, ISP Router…

Marking Rubric:

The following marking rubric will be used to evaluate your network topology design:Network Topology (20 marks)The network topology includes at least three sites interconnected by ISP router(s) (4 marks)

Each site includes an edge router, switches, and at least two routed VLANs (10 marks)

Each VLAN has at least two hosts (6 marks)

IP Addressing Requirements (15 marks)Non-overlapping IPv4 private addressing is assigned to all LAN networks using /24 subnets (5 marks)

Public IPv4 addressing is assigned to all WAN networks (5 marks)

All point-to-point links use /30 subnets (5 marks)

Name All Devices (10 marks)Pick a theme to use and name all your devices (10 marks)You can use City names as well as a fake or real ISP name.You can use your favorite movie/tv show or family names.Be creative here!Do not use R1, R2, ISP, PC1 etc..

Total: 45 marks

Reference no: EM132069492

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